what to put my voltmeter on to check household plugs

A multimeter is convenient and versatile at the aforementioned time. Also, this multi-office electrical testing equipment is very affordable. Any decent multimeter can measure current, voltage, and resistance. Notwithstanding, high-finish multimeters tin measure out other components, such as frequency, temperature, humidity, and acidity.

Although homeowners are no exception, most DIYers and homeowners too take a multimeter in their toolbox. Using a multimeter is effortless even without prior feel. Of course, safety precautions are essential before handling electrical pieces of equipment, and the multimeter is no different. In this regard, reading multimeter'south instructions tin exist a vital piece of data.

With that out of the mode, testing electric outlets with a multimeter is pretty standard. But if you're not sure how to proceed, here is a step by step guide.


  • i Testing an electrical outlet with a multimeter
    • 1.1 Step one. Setting up the multimeter
    • i.2 Step two. Testing the outlet
  • 2 How to test whether an electrical outlet is grounded.
  • 3 Safety tips for testing electrical outlets with a multimeter
  • iv How to tell if the test probes are working correctly
  • 5 Bottom line

Testing an electrical outlet with a multimeter

Step i. Setting up the multimeter

Earlier you set up the multimeter, it is always good to check the manufacturer's instructions. This is very helpful since every unlike brand and models of electric equipment come with specific data.

Turn the multimeter ON and turn the dial to Air-conditioning setting. While testing electrical outlets with a multimeter, you are checking the presence of alternate current or Air conditioning. Here, you are looking for the spot with ~A or A~ or ~Five or V~ on the dials. AC and DC on a multimeter should be easy to differentiate since DC is marked with a direct line.

For testing voltages, you lot need to set the dials on the college settings. Power outlets in Britain have a standard voltage of 230V. So you need to set the dial at 600 on the multimeter.

Some digital multimeters have an car-office. In this case, you do non need to select the test range manually. The meter will automatically select the function the instant the exam leads touches the circuit. If you lot know that your multimeter has this feature, you lot just demand to switch it on.

When it comes to the probes, the black one goes into the COM, the common socket. Depending on the multimeter's model, you might see a – sign next to the COM model. The crimson probe, on the other mitt, goes into the VmA socket. In some models, you might also see VΩmA. In most multimeters, this socket is at the right bottom.

Step 2. Testing the outlet

Before you offset testing the outlets, it is a smart idea to vesture protective gloves. If yous don't have ane already, you might want to check out this industry-grade protective gloves for all electric works.

Concur the test leads in your hands and get ready to insert information technology into the outlets. The black metal atomic number 82 goes into the neutral terminal, the left slot on the power outlet. On the other hand, the red probe goes into the live wire terminal, the right slot. Take note that you insert the black lead showtime followed past the crimson lead.

A correctly working ability outlet should show a reading in the range of 230 or a little college. Examination reading in the range of 230 to 250 is always a good number. An aberrant reading on the multimeter indicates that the outlet is malfunctioning.

How to test whether an electrical outlet is grounded.

After you check and exam that the voltage on the outlet is correct, you can test if that item outlet is grounded.

Here, the blackness lead goes into the earth/basis final. Agree the red lead probe, on the other hand, and insert it into the neutral terminal that is on the left.

On outlets with a good ground, the reading on the multimeter should evidence a reading of zero. A reading on the multimeter between the neutral and footing, the wires on the outlet, is reversed. Electrical outlets with reversed wiring may non pose whatsoever problem for light fixtures or charging phones. Even so, for electronic such as computers and other appliances, the outlet might not be safe to use.

You can also agree the black metal probe to the earth final and insert the red one in the live terminal. If the outlet is grounded correctly, the reading on the multimeter should show a reading of virtually 230, give or take. Only the live terminal should show a reading in a correctly working outlet.

After yous consummate testing the electrical outlets, switch off the multimeter. This volition prevent the bombardment from draining.

Rubber tips for testing electrical outlets with a multimeter

  • Yous can make clean the test leads of multimeters if they have grime on them. Wiping them with a soft clammy fabric is enough to get rid of any contaminants. Nevertheless, y'all should take notation that they are completely dry before using them.
  • Always cheque that the test leads are in practiced condition before utilize. Picket out for cracks in the insulation or possible heat damage.
  • While testing electric outlets with a multimeter, have note that the area is make clean and dry out. If you are working on an exterior outlet, kneel or stand on an insulated mat.
  • Every wearable on your torso must be bone-dry while testing with electric pieces of equipment. Even if the gloves y'all are using are insulated, it will be every bit good equally useless if information technology is damp or wet.
  • Carrying metallic components in your pockets when working around electric outlets should also be avoided.

How to tell if the examination probes are working correctly

Determining whether the test probes are working correctly or not is straightforward. Hither's how.

  • Set the meter of the multimeter to continuity test pick. Alternatively, you can besides ready it to ohms.
  • Hold the test leads by the insulated parts and bear on the ends together.
  • A right function test probes will prove a zilch reading on display.

Bottom line

Testing electrical outlets with a multimeter gives the most authentic results. The procedure is relatively easy and safe. However, agreement how to carry it out correctly is paramount.


Source: https://1stelectricians.co.uk/blog/how-to-test-an-electrical-outlet-with-a-multimeter/

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