11 Things About Meditation That People Think Are True

Meditation has become pop, just it's misunderstood. There are things about meditation that people think are true that are simply myths. Meditation volition work for you, no matter what you think, but let'south wait at some of the mutual misconceptions and dispel them so you can enjoy your meditations more.

ane. You lot think that you lot need to concentrate to meditate.

You think that if you concentrate hard, your meditation will "work." That's non so. When you meditate, simply sit, or lie downwardly, or walk. (Yes, there are walking meditations.) Your ability to focus and concentrate is a side-benefit of meditation, merely meditation isn't concentration.

Relax. Let everything be as it is. If your mind is in turmoil, let it. Permit everything, and only exist as you are.

If yous're focusing on your breath, gently bring your attention back to your breath when it wanders. The key word is "gently."

two. You lot call up that meditation is a fashion of escaping your issues.

Anybody has problems. That's life—it'southward one thing afterward some other. You tin can't escape your problems with meditation. Still, meditation will enable you to handle your problems gracefully.

If you've started meditating, and someone accuses you of using meditation to escape, only smile.

3. You call back that meditation is about religion.

Meditation isn't a religious movement. Still, all the world's religions, whether great or modest, practice meditation every bit a field of study—as a way to get beyond idea. Many religions consider prayer to be a manner of talking to god, and meditation as a fashion of listening to god.

4. You remember that meditation is a course of hypnosis.

Meditation isn't hypnosis. Meditation goes beyond thought and the listen, whereas hypnosis is focused attention on suggestions which a hypnotherapist gives you, or if you're practicing self-hypnosis, suggestions which yous give yourself.

Physically meditation and hypnosis can have a like issue: you get very relaxed, merely they're different practices.

5. You think that unless yous tin can stop thinking, you can't meditate.

You lot have a heed. Information technology manufactures thoughts; that'due south its job. Withal, yous're not your mind, or your thoughts. Meditation can quiet your listen, so that it's less like "monkey heed" jumping from thought to idea.

After you've skilful meditation for a while, you'll be able to watch your thoughts pass through your listen, without becoming attached to them. Pocket-sized irritations which once bothered y'all will no longer impact y'all. In a sense, meditation gives you greater control of your mind, because you can but let your thoughts go.

Every bit a benefit of meditation practice, when y'all practice desire to think about something analytically, your concentration volition be better.

meditation posture

six. You think that meditation is supposed to be hard.

Many years ago, when I first started meditating, I struggled to control my thoughts. I tried hard to focus and concentrate on my breath. Of course, this was the opposite of meditation, which is just allowing everything to be equally information technology is.

I wasn't struggling consciously. One time I became enlightened, I realized that that was how I lived my life: I viewed information technology as a struggle. When I learned to permit become in meditation, my life became easier too.

vii. Y'all think that meditation is a special state.

Meditation isn't a special land; information technology'due south a manner of being. In his book, Coming to Our Senses, professor of medicine Jon Kabat-Zinn says:

We might say that meditation is actually a fashion of being appropriate to the circumstances one finds oneself in, in whatsoever and every moment. If nosotros are caught upwards in the preoccupations of our own mind, in that moment we cannot be present in an appropriate way or possibly at all. Nosotros volition bring an calendar of some kind to whatever we say or do or recollect, even if we don't know it.

Whatsoever state you're in can exist a meditative state. Although you'll often feel relaxed during and later meditation, relaxation isn't meditation. Your meditation is an opportunity to be aware of yourself, all the same yous happen to be, in that moment.

8. Y'all expect that meditation will give you supernatural experiences or powers.

Meditators may occasionally have strange experiences. You might feel hot, or cold, or experience colored lights or visions. You may even tap into powers like clairvoyance. Notwithstanding, as spiritual speaker and writer Jiddu Krishnamurti, and other respected meditation teachers have pointed out, these experiences and "powers" are irrelevant. They're an illusion. Permit them go.

If they disturb you, contact a meditation teacher for guidance.

9. You think you don't have time to meditate.

Got a minute? Meditate. Yes, you tin meditate for a infinitesimal, or a few minutes. But allow yourself to let go of whatever your electric current preoccupation is, and let yourself be enlightened of the present moment. If you wish, you tin can use a meditation focus, such as your breath, and go aware of your animate for few minutes.

If you lot have time, you lot can meditate for xx minutes, in one case or twice a day. However, mini-meditations are just as valuable as longer, more formal meditations.

10. You think that y'all need to sit in the lotus position to meditate.

Y'all tin sit in lotus position if that'due south comfortable for you. Nevertheless, the lotus position doesn't confer any special benefits. Information technology's become popular as a meditation posture over the centuries considering it'due south a stable posture. In the lotus position, your spine is directly, and your bound legs give your posture stability.

If you can't achieve the lotus position, assume any posture you like, as long equally your spine is straight. Keeping your spine straight is good for your wellness: mental, physical and emotional.

11. You think that meditation is magical, or that it will change your life.

Meditation isn't magical. However, your practise gives you so many benefits that it might seem that style. Information technology changes your life in a cardinal way, because you see the patterns in your behavior. Spiritual teacher Ram Dass, author of Be Here Now, said:

As y'all quiet your mind, you brainstorm to run into the nature of your own resistance more conspicuously, struggles, inner dialogues, the way in which you procrastinate and develop passive resistance against life. As you cultivate the witness, things change. You don't take to change them. Things just change.


Source: https://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/11-things-about-meditation-that-people-think-are-true.html

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