Certifications I Can Get With a Liberal Arts Degree

11 High-Paying Jobs Yous Can Get with a Liberal Arts Caste

Written past Coursera • Updated on

Students who pursue a liberal arts major gain valuable workplace skills—like communication, critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving—that they can use to many jobs.

[Featured image] Woman in blue sweater smiling holding papers

In fact, many employers seek candidates with a liberal arts background, knowing they'll possess certain transferable skills that tend to contribute to a company's overall diversity and in turn foster smarter teams.

While earning your Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree at a liberal arts college, you'll proceeds an interdisciplinary education in the humanities, arts, social sciences, and natural sciences. With that variety, you can explore myriad roles later on graduation. Liberal arts graduates go on to work in numerous industries, including education, concern, management, and sales, according to the US Agency of Labor Statistics (BLS) [1].

Let's have a expect at several high-paying jobs you tin explore with your liberal arts degree.

*Information on average/median The states salaries, the number of job listings, and projected job growth for 2030 for these careers was taken from Glassdoor and BLS data, as of March 2022.

12 high-paying jobs for liberal arts graduates

one. Technical writer

Average salary: $74,650

Projected growth for 2030: 12 percentage

Technical writers translate dense concepts into clear and comprehensive written products. They often work with discipline thing experts to create pedagogy manuals or guides to help users navigate products and processes. Technical writers work in a number of industries, including business, technology, and finance.

Related liberal arts subjects: English language, communication studies, natural sciences, math

Fundamental transferable skills: Researching, writing, communicating, problem-solving, critical thinking

2. Homo resources specialist

Average salary: $63,490

Projected growth for 2030: x percent

Companies require astute human resource teams to identify and hire the all-time talent. It's a crucial part of keeping a company non only operating but thriving. Human resource specialists either work to recruit elevation talent or onboard new hires to make sure they're settled in their roles.

Related liberal arts subjects: Psychology, sociology, communication studies, foreign languages, philosophy

Key transferable skills: Evaluating, interviewing, empathy, coordinating, listening, planning

iii. Graphic designer

Average salary: $53,380

Projected growth for 2030: 3 per centum

Graphic designers use their creativity and technical know-how to generate visual elements that assist companies define their ideas, brand, products, and services. Factoring in elements like layout and color pick, graphic designers use key tools, similar Figma and Adobe, in order to shape a visual story that stands out.

Related liberal arts subjects: Art, art history, creative studies

Key transferable skills: Creativity, planning, coordinating, communication, collaboration, decision making

iv. Mediator

Average salary: $66,130

Projected growth for 2030: 10 per centum

Disagreements or disputes naturally arise in life. Mediators piece of work with parties to understand the issue they're facing and achieve a new consequence. As such, mediators often have to assistance parties regulate their emotions and parse facts in club to reach an agreement that feels fair to anybody involved.

Related liberal arts subjects: Psychology, advice studies, sociology

Key transferable skills: Evaluating, empathy, interviewing, listening, communication, record keeping, critical thinking

5. Translator

Average bacon: $52,330

Projected growth for 2030: 22 pct

Translators render information from i language to another in written form. They can work in a variety of industries—such equally business concern, technology, and publishing—thanks to the needs that many different companies have when it comes to communicating with clients in other countries.

Related liberal arts subjects: Strange languages, English, communication studies, creative writing

Primal transferable skills: Interviewing, listening, communication, adaptability, patience, collaboration

6. High schoolhouse teacher

Average salary: $62,870

Projected growth for 2030: 8 percent

Liberal arts graduates can teach at many levels, including unproblematic and middle schoolhouse. But high school teachers work with students who are preparing to enter college or the professional person world. They also tend to specialize in a bailiwick, rather than teach a number of subjects.

Related liberal arts subjects: English, communication studies, psychology, foreign languages, natural sciences, math

Key transferable skills: Communicating, listening, planning, flexibility, adaptability, problem-solving, patience, (classroom) management

7. Public relations specialist

Average salary: $62,810

Projected growth for 2030: eleven pct

Companies need professionals who can help them maintain their public epitome—and share important news or developments almost what they do. Public relations specialists oftentimes piece of work to synthesize a company'southward narrative and identify ways to promote it to the media and the public.

Related liberal arts subjects: Advice studies, English language, psychology

Key transferable skills: Communication, coordinating, planning, public speaking, diligence, problem-solving, teamwork

8. Event planner

Average salary: $51,560

Projected growth for 2030: 18 percent

Consequence planners take care of coordinating unlike occasions, either for a visitor every bit an employee or independently as a consultant. They oftentimes work with a visitor'south stakeholders to place what the primary goals of an result volition exist, and then find and book venues, hire vendors, and synchronize other logistics.

Related liberal arts subjects: Communication studies, psychology, sociology

Cardinal transferable skills: Planning, budgeting, trouble-solving, teamwork, adjustability, attention to detail, communication

ix. Social media managing director

Average salary: $55,117

Projected growth for 2030: 10 percentage

Social media managers oversee a company or brand'southward presence on social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. They often have to be strong writers and editors to ensure that the copy they (or their team) write is on-brand and mistake-free. They are besides typically responsible for brainstorming new social campaigns and scheduling posts.

Related liberal arts subjects: Writing, communicating, planning, collaborating, attention to item, problem-solving

Cardinal transferable skills: Evaluating, interviewing, empathy, analogous, listening, planning


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10. Substance abuse counselor

Average salary: $47,660

Projected growth for 2030: 23 percent

A substance abuse counselor helps people dealing with substance abuse and behavioral issues, such as drug or booze addiction, eating disorders, gambling addiction, and more. They either work with individuals one-on-one or in group settings to help them identify their problems, change their behavior, and work toward recovery.

Related liberal arts subjects: Psychology, sociology, philosophy, rehabilitation services

Key transferable skills: Empathy, listening, interviewing, evaluating, facilitating group discussions, defining needs, system

11. Fundraiser

Average salary: $59,610

Projected growth for 2030: 16 percent

Fundraisers piece of work to raise donations for a company or organisation through various events, campaigns, and other efforts. Typically, they work in the non-profit sector, identifying and edifice relationships with donors, launching campaigns or initiatives, and successfully meeting quarterly or yearly quotas to keep their organization running.

Related liberal arts subjects: Psychology, communication studies, English, folklore

Primal transferable skills: Planning, coordinating, developing rapport, budgeting, communicating, attending to detail, critical thinking, salesmanship

5 ways to make the most of your liberal arts caste

Different a caste from a four-year college or university in a subject that prepares you for a specific career path, such equally business or computer science, a liberal arts caste can prepare you for many different types of work. Yous can strengthen your chore candidacy while y'all're still working toward your degree by following the tips below.

Intern: Employ your time at your liberal arts college effectively by finding internships that permit you to explore at least one or two different types of work or industries. Interning also can help y'all network, which may lead to helpful connections subsequently graduation.

Build a portfolio: For sure professions, like graphic design, social media, and technical writing, it helps to have a few examples when you lot begin looking for work. If possible, seek out freelance or volunteer work and add what yous produce for a client to your portfolio.

Network: Whether through your professors, your peers, or a professional arrangement, begin to make connections that can help you find employment after graduation. The boilerplate chore posting receives around 250over 100 applications, then if you lot know someone (or know someone who knows someone) at a company, it may assist yous receive more than attending when you apply [2].

Informational interview: Like to networking, reach out to people who do work that sounds interesting or who piece of work in an industry you're interested in learning more well-nigh. Ask them for an informational interview, and spend thirty minutes or so discussing their work and how they got started so y'all have a better idea about what yous demand to practice.

Search jobs listings: Before you graduate, have time to research what you'd like to do and the mutual skills y'all'll need to do it. If you lot tin can dedicate any fourth dimension to learning specific tools or programs, or refining any major workplace skills, you may be a stronger bidder in the long run.

Learn more: 10 High-Paying Jobs for English Majors

Getting started

Interested in studying a subject within the liberal arts?

  • Learn most psychology from Yale University

  • Report writing for the sciences from Stanford Academy

  • Explore Human being Resource Management from the Academy of Minnesota

  • Build skills in Projection Management from Google

    Y'all are Currently on slide i

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Article Sources

1. The states Bureau of Labor Statistics. "Field of Degree: Liberal Arts, https://www.bls.gov/ooh/field-of-caste/liberal-arts/liberal-arts-field-of-degree.htm." Accessed March 22, 2022.

two. SmallBizGenius. "70 Recruitment Statistics for Alluring Top Talent in 2022, https://www.smallbizgenius.cyberspace/past-the-numbers/recruitment-statistics/#gref." Accessed March 21, 2022.

Written by Coursera • Updated on

This content has been fabricated bachelor for informational purposes only. Learners are brash to conduct additional research to ensure that courses and other credentials pursued meet their personal, professional person, and financial goals.


Source: https://www.coursera.org/articles/liberal-arts-degree-jobs

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