How to Upload Wall Paper on Mac

Though the default Mac groundwork looks nice and changes dynamically depending on your location, information technology fails to give that personal touch. To make your Mac truly yours, you tin can customize the desktop background to your picture or the solid colour you want. Allow me testify y'all how to change wallpaper on Mac.

The steps below apply to all mod versions of macOS and all Mac desktops and MacBooks. Plus, the desktop wallpaper also acts every bit the lockscreen background.

  • How to alter your desktop picture from Finder on Mac
  • How to set up desktop background using Safari on Mac
  • How to alter desktop wallpaper from Photos app
  • How to set desktop background from System Preferences
  • How to set a screensaver on a Mac

How to modify your desktop picture from Finder on Mac

  1. Go to the Finder location where the picture is saved.
  2. Next, right-click the image or press the control key and click.
  3. Click Set Desktop Picture.

    Change Mac wallpaper using Finder

Note: If you movement the image from this location or delete it, you will lose the wallpaper next fourth dimension you lot restart your Mac.

Note for multiple desktop users: The higher up steps volition change the wallpaper for the electric current desktop. Like me, if you have multiple desktops, open the image location on that desktop and follow the above steps. Or, motility the binder to the other desktop and follow the steps. Or, hither is a pro tip: Set the image as wallpaper for the first desktop. Now, delete all other desktops and create them again. They volition have the same wallpaper every bit the first desktop.

Wallpaper for multiple Desktops

While browsing the web, you found a keen image and wish to set it equally your Macbook groundwork? It is easy equally long every bit you are using Safari.

How to ready desktop groundwork using Safari on Mac

  1. Right-click the image in Safari.
  2. Click Employ Image equally Desktop Picture show.
  3. The image is instantly set as your wallpaper.

    Change Mac wallpaper using Safari

How to change desktop wallpaper from Photos app

  1. Open up the Photos app.
    You lot volition find it in the Launchpad, FinderApplication, or you may press Command + Space Bar and search Photos.
  2. Next, click to select the desired motion picture.
  3. Click the share icon at the top right and choose Ready Desktop Moving-picture show.

    Change Mac wallpaper using Photos app

Pro Tip: Wish to ingather, brighten, or edit the paradigm earlier setting it as a wallpaper? Double click to open the picture inside the Photos app and click Edit. Make the changes and then set it as Mac's desktop picture.

At present we come to the powerful identify that has dedicated options to assistance yous choose the desired background. It has stock macOS wallpapers, solid colors, dynamic wallpapers, and you can also choose your own.

How to set desktop background from Organisation Preferences

  1. Click the Apple logo at the top left and cull Arrangement Preferences.
  2. Click Desktop & Screen Saver. On the left, you have iii options:
    • Apple: This option has the official stock wallpapers and solid colors. Under Desktop Pictures, yous will see Dynamic Desktop that changes. And Desktop Pictures take still images. Like solid colors, cull i that shows there or click Custom Color for more.
    • Photos: This volition show pictures from your Mac's Photos app. Click the tiny triangle to see albums, etc.
    • Folders: You lot can add Finder folders hither. For example, I accept a wallpaper folder where I save nice backgrounds I find anywhere. Click the + icon and cull the binder you wish to add.

      Wallpaper options inside Desktop and Screen Saver Preferences on Mac

  3. Other customizations:
    • Click Fill Screen to cull other options from the dropdown.
    • Check the box for Change Movie and select a time. This volition automatically switch pictures in social club or randomly (if selected). Works as a slideshow.

      Other Wallpaper customizations on Mac

How to ready a screensaver on a Mac

Screensaver hides the desktop when you are not using the Mac, and information technology also looks dainty to accept the clock, animation, give-and-take of the solar day, or custom message or picture on display.

To prepare a screensaver:

  1. Open System Preferences and click Desktop & Screen Saver.
  2. Click Screen Saver.
  3. From the left side, choose one of the options. I am using Shifting Tiles.
  4. Click Source and choose from the default collection, Photos app, or a folder where you have the desired pictures.
  5. Side by side, click Start after and choose an choice.
    Pro Tip : To starting time the screensaver manually whenever yous want, click Hot Corners and choose Start Screen Saver.
  6. Optionally: You lot may cull to display the clock on the screen equally well.

    How to set a screensaver on Mac

I hope this short article helped y'all change the wallpaper and set the screensaver on your Mac. If yous have an boosted query, ask me via the comments section beneath.

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